the Big Window and Omnisis go back. And we mean, way, way back. Lisa Edgar, Founder of the Big Window and Brian have known one another since they were mere fledglings in the market research world and we’ve been lucky enough to call them a client for more than 15 years.
the Big Window is a leading insight research agency specialising in consumer and psychology-based market research – bridging the gap between what people think and why they think it. Nowadays we work closely with Farzana Qadir, Head of Operations on a multitude of fascinating research projects. One of which we are going to share with you today.
We developed a long-term study to help the Big Window’s insurance client find out what people thought about the possibility of living to 100 years old and, if they did, how they were going to cope with the future.
We discovered how long a panel of respondents were expecting to live, how much money they have (or don’t have!) and their attitudes towards future planning and more generally, towards life itself.
Whilst this all sounds quite philosophical, in reality, we had the challenge of creating a nationally representative, engaging survey about a subject that, in essence, people do not think about everyday, and can find it difficult to articulate their views. In fact, the idea of putting a number on your life expectancy to most people would be quite daunting!
The survey was long as it needed to cover a number of topics, so we worked with the Big Window team to maximise the value of the questionnaire to keep panellists engaged whilst ensuring high quality data. Another example of how our two teams work together!
the Big Window also run segmentation analyses which involves us sending respondent data to their analysis teams where they group people and send us back the groupings to load into our database and use for more analysis. The analysis often involves quite a bit of deep diving into behaviours so a project can run for several months. We like to be kept busy!
They got some fascinating insights and brilliant data for their client as a result of the survey and we’ve been asked to create similar surveys for some of their other clients as well.
Now it’s no secret that whilst we’re great at surveys, we’re not so great at… well, talking about how great we are at surveys. That’s why sometimes, we leave it to our lovely clients to do instead (so we can breathe a sigh of relief).
Farzana said “It is always a pleasure working with the team at Omnisis. Everyone is proactive, helpful, quick to respond and overall they know what they are talking about, they just get it!”
Cheers, Farzana!
Fancy a chat?
If you’re interested in working with us on a very long survey… or a very short one… or perhaps even something in between – we would love to hear from you.
We’re known for our speed and agility and we can cost surveys in a number of hours. Get in touch with our Benevolent OverlordTM Brian at